Recent Media Contributions
“If the next president wants to put an ideologue on the Supreme Court, they will have to sacrifice their initial domestic policy goals.” The London School of Economics and Political Science Daily Blog on American Politics and Policy (LSE-APP), October 25, 2016. With Jamie Monogan III and Richard L. Vining.
“The House Freedom Caucus wants looser party control on the floor. This is what would happen if they got it.” The Washington Post, Monkey Cage Blog, November 4, 2015. With Kevin R. Kosar.
“Gridlock Governing.” U.S. News & World Reports, October 16, 2015. With Kevin R. Kosar.
“Could the Modern Senate Manage an Open-Amendment Process?” R Street Policy Study No. 42, October 2015. With Kevin R. Kosar.
“If Congress keeps cutting its staff, who is writing your laws? You won’t like the answer.” The Washington Post, Monkey Cage Blog, August 20, 2015. With Ian Ostrander.
“Despite party pressures, House members' support for their leadership in procedural votes is not guaranteed.” The London School of Economics and Political Science Daily Blog on American Politics and Policy (LSE-APP), February 26, 2015. With Michael Crespin and Jamie L. Carson.